Edit & Export a Waveform

March 31, 2021

In ObserVIEW, users can cut, paste, and append files and then export the edited file. The Editor tab in the main ribbon contains the tools to perform these tasks.

To select a portion of a graph, select the Quick Select button and adjust the inserted selection. Alternatively, select the Start Selection and End Selection button. The I and O keys can be used as shortcuts for Start and End Selection, respectively.

Waveform selection in ObserVIEW

Waveform selection in ObserVIEW.

After the selection is made, the selection can be cut or copied to the Windows’ clipboard. Alternatively, a selection in the Windows’ clipboard can be pasted into the selection area.

The Append button opens an Open dialog box where the user can select one or more time waveform files to append to the open file. If the files are compatible with the open file, the data from the files will be appended to the end of the current graph data. If a file is not compatible, a message will appear with a description of why it is not compatible.

The user can set the transition and fade to smoothly merge multiple waveforms, edit points, or endpoints. The transition options apply to the edit points in the middle of the waveform; the fade options apply to the beginning and end of the waveform.

Export the Waveform

After the editing process is complete, the user can export the file. Before export, they can also resample the waveform or apply filters.

Note: Filtering and resampling are advanced features. Depending on your license, you may not be able to use them.

Exporting a waveform in ObserVIEW

Exporting a waveform in ObserVIEW.

To export, click File > Export. The export options are located below the file name, type, and location. The available export options include:

  • Resample
  • High Pass and Low Pass IIR
  • General Purpose FIR

The available file types for export include:

  • VFW: VibrationVIEW field waveform
  • MAT: MATLAB Data
  • CSV: Comma-separated value
  • TXT: Text
  • UFF 58 b: Universal file format binary
  • UFF 58: Universal file format UTF-8
  • WAV: Waveform audio file